Huntington Beach Bay Village OH

About This Site

Welcome to my launching pad to the Internet!

The purpose of this site is to collect in one place all of the links I've found useful (if not indispensable) in my time wandering the Internet and moving the things I do online.

The first page, "Comments, Kudos, Rants and Alerts," is my mini-blog, not quite Twitter-format information, but also not blog format. (For my general blog, see

The second page, "Quick Links" is my Internet ready reference, those sites that I use constantly and are both convenient and essential.

The third page,"Web Gateway", attempts in a structured way to glean from the vast internet the "must know" sites.

The fourth page, "Technology Gateway," is the place I go for all of the essential information needed to keep current on all of the technical information that I need to do my job as a software developer and web programmer.

Finally, the "Career Resources" page has been indispensable as I've gone through several job changes over the last decade.

And as is common practice I have included "About" and "Contact" pages.

I hope you find this website useful and informative. Please use the contact information as you see fit.

Thank you for visiting !